Jounal Papers (1991 - 1980)
Y. Ogura and K. Sekihara,
Static imaging of a rotating object,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.92, pp.490-503, 1991.
K. Sekihara, H. Haneishi, and N. Ohyama,
Maximum-likelihood parameter estimation for in-vivo magnetic resonance
spectroscopy using modified cost function. Method when exact number of
components is unknown,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.90, pp.192-197, 1990.
Y. Ogura and K. Sekihara,
Static imaging of a rotating object. Image quality improvement using J2 synthesis,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.88, pp.359-363, 1990.
K. Sekihara and N. Ohyama,
Parameter estimation for in-vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy using
simulated annealing,
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol.13, pp.332-339, 1990.
Y. Ogura and K. Sekihara,
A new method for static imaging of a rotating object,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.83, pp.177-182, 1989.
K. Sekihara and H. Kohno,
New reconstruction technique for echo-planar imaging to allow combined use of odd and even numbered echoes,
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vol.5, pp.485-491, 1987.
K. Sekihara, and H. Kohno,
Image restoration from nonuniform static field influence in modified echo-planar
Medical Physics, Vol.14, pp.1087-1089, 1987.
K. Sekihara,
Steady-state magnetizations in rapid NMR imaging using small flip angles
and short repetition intervals,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.6, pp.157-164, 1987.
T. Onodera, S. Matsui, K. Sekihara, and H. Kohno,
A method of measuring field-gradient modulation shapes. Application to high-speed NMR spectroscopic imaging,
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instrument Vol.20, pp.416-419, 1987.
S. Matsui, K. Sekihara, and H. Kohno,
Spatially resolved NMR spectroscopy using phase-modulated spin-echo trains Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.67, pp.476-490, 1986.
S. Matsui, K. Sekihara, and H. Kohno,
High-speed spatially resolved NMR spectroscopy using phase-modulated spin-echo trains. Expansion of the spectral bandwidth by combined use of delayed spin echo-trains,
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Vol.64, pp.167-171, 1985.
S. Matsui, K. Sekihara, and H. Kohno,
High-speed spatially resolved high-resolution NMR spectroscopy,
Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.107, pp.2817-2818, 1985.
K. Sekihara, S. Matsui, and H. Kohno,
NMR imaging for magnets with large non-uniformities,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol.4, pp.193-199, 1985.
K. Sekihara, S. Matsui, and H. Kohno,
A new method of measuring static field distribution using modified Fourier NMR imaging,
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instrument, Vol.18, pp.224-227, 1985.
K. Sekihara, M. Kuroda, and H. Kohno,
Image restoration from non-uniform magnetic field influence for direct
Fourier NMR imaging,
Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol.29, pp.15-24, 1984.
K. Sekihara, H. Kohno, and S. Yamamoto,
Theoretical prediction of X-ray CT image quality using contrast-detail
diagrams, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 29, pp.2115-2121, 1982.
S. Murayama, K. Sekihara, and T. Hayakawa,
Theoretical analysis of the photon-energy dependence of the ionization
detector used in the CT system,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 27, pp.1871-1875, 1980.
K. Sekihara, S. Murayama, and T. Hayakawa,
Theoretical analysis of the X-ray intensity response of the ionization
detector used in the CT system,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 27, pp.1876-1879, 1980.